This is a special online JAM with friends of Dance Bridges from around the world in the frame of the 4th edition of Dance Bridges Festival 2021-2022, from August 11th-22nd. This year’s Festival is presented as a hybrid festival with a diverse range of digital engagements for international audiences and live interactions in Kolkata, London and Taipei!

This curated online JAM event invites people around the world to dance together through ZOOM with a live broadcast.

It will take place on 13th August 19.30-20.30 Taipei17:00-18:00 Kolkata12:30-13:30 London. During this hour, we will have a group of 3 invited artists from different artistic disciplines and from different cities internationally to lead/initiate the flow by turn. We are delighted to present:

Song Chun Tsai (Taiwan) |Dance

Artur Vidal (UK) | Music | 

Sreya Chatterjee (India/Germany) | Visual Arts 

We have an open call for artists to join as participants. There are two options, to join from a personally chosen space indoor/outdoor, recommended for 1-3 persons, and the other is to join larger group of artists within a studio space that has digital projection.

Please sign up in the google form below to recieve the zoom link. Registrations will close after 100 participants sign up and at 16.00 Taipei, so don’t delay! If you unable to register on zoom you can watch our livestream over youtube and facebook. 

We encourage you to engage with us online for an hour and then continue jamming with your friends/fellow dancers or allow for a time of personal research and reflection after.

Photo Credit: Cheng-Han Hsieh



First majored in theatre lighting design, Sung Chun later moved on to dance performance and received his BFA in Taipei National University of the Arts. With deep devotion in street dance styles and a versatile training, Sung Chun joined in a variety of collaborative performances with celebrated musicians, choreographers, and visual artists in Taiwan. Specially in improvisation performance, Sung Chun keeps exploring how materials in the space can be motivation for each other, including movement, sounds, objects, and light. Not only taking parts in theater, Sung Chun also hold jams in different spaces, with the curiosity to meet people from everywhere.

Photo: KuaBo Dance Theatre

ARTUR VIDAL (United Kingdom)

Artur M. Vidal is a London-based and Spanish-born saxophone player who grew up in Paris where he studied music, philosophy, and history of Art. His work involves field recordings, sound walks, dance, and improvisation. He has been doing academic research on improvised music and environmental sounds and has become a certified teacher of Pauline Oliveros’s Deep Listening practice. He has published two collections of text scores: The Hum in the Valley (2021) and Friendly Algorithms (2018).

Photo: Ana-Maria Molnar


Starting with film theory at the middle of her teens and soon charmed by “Montage of Attractions”, Sreya pursued filmmaking professionally through the thickening intersections of analogue and digital. One and a half decades-long of cumulative experiences thereafter, led her back to the very core, the chemical-material entity of analogue film objects and their beckoning urgency to be preserved for posterity. A late bloomer in the spectrum of conservation sciences, Sreya seeks to bifurcate her endeavours both academically to this striving multidisciplinary field, and through the planning and implementation of restorative measures for audiovisual collections that are less discussed and thus closer to oblivion.

Photo: (C) Alexander Rentsch, HTW Berlin, 2021