The residency project has expanded this year with three international choreographers working with a group of artists from different cities in India as well as dancers from South-East Asia and Europe. Dam Van Huynh (UK) and Martin Piliponsky Briaer (Argentina), will create new pieces with the dancers at the Sparsh Studio for Performing Arts and The Doodle Room, leading to multiple performances in different sites in Kolkata. We are also very excited to have with us Aerowaves 2018 artist Pietro Marullo/Inseimi Irreali (Belgium/Italy) to recreate WRECK-List of extinct species in Kolkata as part of the Crossover Dance Project with local artists. This project is in collaboration with the Kolkata Centre for Creativity.
Dam Van Huynh is a UK based Dancer/Choreographer. Dam was raised and educated in the United States, and graduated from the Boston Conservatory of Music. He is currently Artistic Director of Centre 151, home base of his own dance company – Van Huynh Company. Dam graduated from The Boston Conservatory and has worked as a performer with various companies and choreographers including The Nevada Ballet, Merce Cunningham, Portugal’s Companhia de Dança Contemporânea – CeDeCe, Richard Alston and Phoenix Dance Theatre. He was appointed Artist-in Residence at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts – HKAPA in 2010/12. Dam is the recipient of awards from The Place Prize, Zawirowania International Choreography Competition and Gdański Festiwal Tańca. His latest work ĐẸP has toured widely and received the Asian Arts Awards for Best Directing 2018. His company has performed at renown festivals in Spain, Italy, Poland, Sweden, Lithuania, India, China, Korea, Singapore.
Martin originally trained and worked as an architect before pursuing his passion for dance improvisation. His interest in dance began with Jewish Folk Dances and sports. He studied dance with teachers in the US, Europe and Argentina including: Kirstie Simson; David Zambrano; Gustavo Lesgart; Lisa Nelson; Katie Duck; Mark Tompkins; Benoit Lachambre; Thomas Hauert; Angels Margarit; Peter Jasko; Lipi Hernandez and Marina Giancaspro. From 2004 until 2012 he lived in BCN, Spain. Since 2012 his base is in Buenos Aires. In the last decade he has toured to South America, NORTH and CENTER, a large part of Europe, Africa and Asia, teaching improvisation and dancing in various festivals and international stages. He has received the TANZ ATELIER and DANCEWEB scholarships in Austria. The support of the metropolitan funds of arts and sciences (2013, 2015 and 2017) and the subsidy of IBERESCENA (2014) and PRODANZA (2016) for the realization of independent projects. Currently collaborates artistically with the English teacher and dancer Kirstie Simson and the North American dancer Elia Mark. He has created his own works between solitaires and groups works. SUTIL , THE VOID and A TALK WITH MYSELF are his latest works.
He is an Italian artist based in Brussel, where he founded the INSIEMI IRREALI Company, supported by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. His interdisciplinary work lies at the intersection of visual and performing art, installation and new technologies, deeply focused on social, historical and anthropological topics. His works are presented in four continents, in very important dance festival, performing art festival, theaters, music networks, puppet-object and contemporary art platforms, such as: Festival OrienteOccidente, Seoul International Dance Festival, José Limon Dance Festival, Danse Elargie/Théâtre de la Ville, Beijing Dance Festival, National Italian Dance Platform. He is also part of the AEROWAVES 2018 Artists selection.
Since 2015, Pietro is developing an anthropologic and aesthetic reflection about the links between reality and symbolic languages. This approach engages him to create a « imaginary of the species », a philosophical statement that should conduct our societies to face their own histories and common global issues from the larger point of view of the species.